laju ekstraksi bahasa Inggris
- laju: swift; zippy; speedy; express; rapid; rate; fast;
- ekstraksi: extraction (chemistry); extraction
- laju: swift; zippy; speedy; express; rapid; rate; fast; ratio; race; lively; snappy; spanking; merry; fleet; rattling; brisk; alert
- ekstraksi pelarut: liquid–liquid extraction
- ekstraksi resin: resin extraction
- ekstraksi minyak serpih: shale oil extraction
- proses ekstraksi panas: hot extraction process
- alihan laju: rapid transit
- deru laju: onrush
- had laju: speed limits by country
- laju akustik: acoustic speed
- laju alir: flow rate; rate of flow
- laju bahang: heat rate
- laju bocoran: leak rate
- laju cahaya: speed of light
- F1404-gringing & separating machine which design with four grinding and separating can increase the extraction rate of soybean protein about 5%.
Mesin penggiling & pemisah F1404 yang dirancang dengan empat gerinda dan separasi dapat meningkatkan laju ekstraksi protein kedelai sekitar 5%.